2022 Seven Hills Winery Columbia Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
This Sauvignon Blanc is zesty and refreshing, with bright fruit and sweet honeysuckle, yet has an underlying richness, resulting in a wine of medium body and substance. With hints of pineapple, clementine, honeysuckle and white pepper. This goes great with spicy food, sushi or other dishes where you want a splash of lime or lemon. Use this for balance instead!
This Sauvignon Blanc is zesty and refreshing, with bright fruit and sweet honeysuckle, yet has an underlying richness, resulting in a wine of medium body and substance. With hints of pineapple, clementine, honeysuckle and white pepper. This goes great with spicy food, sushi or other dishes where you want a splash of lime or lemon. Use this for balance instead!
This Sauvignon Blanc is zesty and refreshing, with bright fruit and sweet honeysuckle, yet has an underlying richness, resulting in a wine of medium body and substance. With hints of pineapple, clementine, honeysuckle and white pepper. This goes great with spicy food, sushi or other dishes where you want a splash of lime or lemon. Use this for balance instead!