2021 Archery Summit Dundee Hills Chardonnay 750ml
This wine is richly textured, with subtle oaky and creamy notes atop pure and persistent underlying fruit flavours. Jasmine, flint, pistachio, and curry leaf aromatics dissolve into bright citrus flavours followed by stone fruit, kaffir lime, and lemon curd. A pronounced acidity runs the entire length of this enduring Chardonnay. A beautiful wine that will be a winner for both Burgundy lovers as well as those who prefer a new world flare. WS 94
This wine is richly textured, with subtle oaky and creamy notes atop pure and persistent underlying fruit flavours. Jasmine, flint, pistachio, and curry leaf aromatics dissolve into bright citrus flavours followed by stone fruit, kaffir lime, and lemon curd. A pronounced acidity runs the entire length of this enduring Chardonnay. A beautiful wine that will be a winner for both Burgundy lovers as well as those who prefer a new world flare. WS 94
This wine is richly textured, with subtle oaky and creamy notes atop pure and persistent underlying fruit flavours. Jasmine, flint, pistachio, and curry leaf aromatics dissolve into bright citrus flavours followed by stone fruit, kaffir lime, and lemon curd. A pronounced acidity runs the entire length of this enduring Chardonnay. A beautiful wine that will be a winner for both Burgundy lovers as well as those who prefer a new world flare. WS 94